
Ranking List

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Ranking List of Fighters - Page 1

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1. a_soares 1612 1 Shooting Star
2. aabbcc 2396 76 -
3. aadwik 1707 29 Shooting Star
4. aaravmaheshwari 1605 31 FIDE Master
5. aarit_kapil 1636 8 Grandmaster
6. ab64 1352 3 FIDE Master
7. adinathshastri 1874 31 Internat. Master
8. aditya2008 2266 107 Internat. Master
9. adityaghule 1486 1 -
10. adp 1510 1 Master Candidate
11. aeromotor 1309 28 FIDE Master
12. aeroplanino1986 1731 22 -
13. agikosprkeq 1606 1 Grandmaster
14. aikar 1550 9 FIDE Master
15. akb16 1650 3 -
16. alacinu 1579 2 FIDE Master
17. alaomega 1342 1 FIDE Master
18. alberich242 1672 2 -
19. alfonsito 1359 1 FIDE Master
20. ali45332 1401 2 Grandmaster
21. ali_88 1642 1 Beginner
22. amanlal 1605 9 Shooting Star
23. amit braganza 1739 62 FIDE Master
24. amoghpradeep 1546 2 FIDE Master
25. amritrm97 1682 12 Club Champion
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
26. anagha2010 1538 9 Apprentice
27. anant123 1692 25 Grandmaster
28. andi44 1597 21 FIDE Master
29. andreea25 1426 1 Apprentice
30. andrey_yakushev 1357 1 FIDE Master
31. anees11 1905 30 Master Candidate
32. anku_chudasma 1615 1 Grandmaster
33. annamsudhakar 1567 1 Internat. Master
34. annashukhman 1681 2 Grandmaster
35. anonymous2024 1631 1 Internat. Master
36. anteros 1676 9 Grandmaster
37. antonk 1982 122 Top Player
38. aqk 1600 2 FIDE Master
39. aradhyabehani 1989 75 FIDE Master
40. ariana0411 1681 17 Amateur
41. aroba 1617 1 Shooting Star
42. as-012 1354 479 FIDE Master
43. ashvini_2005 1846 22 Shooting Star
44. atharvakale2008 1804 10 Grandmaster
45. avibhat 1950 44 Grandmaster
46. babyboy751 1506 6 Shooting Star
47. barca 1661 27 Grandmaster
48. bauer ranger 1679 20 Internat. Master
49. bedwlwyn 1609 2 Promising Player
50. bernabie 1429 1 Master Candidate