
Ranking List

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Ranking List of Fighters - Page 5

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
201. sureshbabuji 1644 1 World Champion
202. scmao 1644 1 Shooting Star
203. gourav06 1643 5 -
204. anchal rastogi 1643 4 Shooting Star
205. nobbi555 1643 1 Club Champion
206. rsy23012678 1643 1 Internat. Master
207. heuw73 1643 1 Apprentice
208. hithwikmadineni 1643 1 Shooting Star
209. chesswizard 1642 44 World Champion
210. luigi745 1642 10 Internat. Master
211. david2503 1642 3 Internat. Master
212. chenwu 1639 2 -
213. eagt 1636 13 Top Player
214. aarit_kapil 1636 8 Grandmaster
215. chessbplus 1636 2 Internat. Master
216. xboy1 1635 4 Strong Apprentice
217. fleming 1633 2 Grandmaster
218. coeur de pirate 1633 1 FIDE Master
219. anonymous2024 1631 1 Internat. Master
220. knightmare66 1630 1 Grandmaster
221. knight1200 1629 25 Experienced Player
222. gordohunter42 1629 4 FIDE Master
223. trebede 1629 1 Grandmaster
224. nimzo5 1628 49 -
225. januszd 1628 33 Beginner
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
226. satkul 1628 4 Internat. Master
227. supernoseque 1628 1 -
228. dos01 1628 1 Internat. Master
229. srius 1626 25 FIDE Master
230. beatu2 1626 1 Internat. Master
231. pauleira 1625 2 Shooting Star
232. churchmichael273 1625 1 Master Candidate
233. kaivallya18 1624 4 Shooting Star
234. byceryce 1624 3 FIDE Master
235. coureux 1623 1 Top Player
236. kater79 1622 3 FIDE Master
237. funbettor 1622 2 FIDE Master
238. ananya22609 1622 1 FIDE Master
239. fruru13 1622 1 Shooting Star
240. sarbartho 1622 1 Beginner
241. divamk 1622 1 Internat. Master
242. magnus199030 1622 1 FIDE Master
243. nichegp 1622 1 Apprentice
244. jwj0 1621 1 -
245. sakshamsehgal 1621 1 FIDE Master
246. rekrapretep 1621 1 Apprentice
247. romaric morin 1620 22 Master Candidate
248. hindsight 1620 2 Talent
249. gunterw 1620 2 Internat. Master
250. lvch2022 1620 1 Internat. Master