
Ranking List

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Ranking List of Fighters - Page 5

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
201. iamyashas 1591 13 FIDE Master
202. chesspat67 1589 1 FIDE Master
203. cergen 1587 29 FIDE Master
204. lorenz busch 1586 3 FIDE Master
205. alacinu 1579 2 FIDE Master
206. justmi 1574 1 FIDE Master
207. duguesclin 1568 8 FIDE Master
208. frankchess22 1567 4 FIDE Master
209. adityagupta2005 1565 1 FIDE Master
210. thomas bertram 1565 3 FIDE Master
211. heiri de letscht 1564 1 FIDE Master
212. roboton 1561 2 FIDE Master
213. aikar 1550 9 FIDE Master
214. amoghpradeep 1546 2 FIDE Master
215. chessnutter12 1535 1 FIDE Master
216. jebul 1519 2 FIDE Master
217. tomado 1515 1 FIDE Master
218. gedofb 1502 2 FIDE Master
219. shekhar_j 1486 9 FIDE Master
220. gaston1968 1430 9 FIDE Master
221. fedai 1415 1 FIDE Master
222. patrickfontana 1402 3 FIDE Master
223. nihat akcelik 1369 1 FIDE Master
224. alfonsito 1359 1 FIDE Master
225. andrey_yakushev 1357 1 FIDE Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
226. as-012 1354 479 FIDE Master
227. ab64 1352 3 FIDE Master
228. nbalajhi 1352 1 FIDE Master
229. alaomega 1342 1 FIDE Master
230. lot2 1342 1 FIDE Master
231. hd250 1275 9 FIDE Master
232. mik26 2691 438 Master Candidate
233. jowiwa 2668 625 Master Candidate
234. lammer michael 2289 1693 Master Candidate
235. hombergpatzer 1959 172 Master Candidate
236. damaican124 1926 136 Master Candidate
237. anees11 1905 30 Master Candidate
238. expedito212 1904 122 Master Candidate
239. yuine 1863 89 Master Candidate
240. bostizar 1802 72 Master Candidate
241. parikshit 1729 81 Master Candidate
242. olyvr 1721 8 Master Candidate
243. dege 1719 8 Master Candidate
244. ilfat 1712 42 Master Candidate
245. kum_kum 1692 22 Master Candidate
246. tartakower777 1653 25 Master Candidate
247. shekinah 37 1648 4 Master Candidate
248. karthik2004 1648 9 Master Candidate
249. churchmichael273 1625 1 Master Candidate
250. romaric morin 1620 22 Master Candidate