
Ranking List

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Ranking List of Fighters - Page 7

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
301. pinador 1580 1 FIDE Master
302. alacinu 1579 2 FIDE Master
303. whitecr 1576 3 Grandmaster
304. zelal baran 1575 1 Grandmaster
305. kipens 1575 1 Shooting Star
306. hacker 1574 3 Talent
307. justmi 1574 1 FIDE Master
308. khalil hafi 1570 27 Apprentice
309. duguesclin 1568 8 FIDE Master
310. frankchess22 1567 4 FIDE Master
311. annamsudhakar 1567 1 Internat. Master
312. adityagupta2005 1565 1 FIDE Master
313. heiri de letscht 1564 1 FIDE Master
314. perlanegra1503 1563 1 Shooting Star
315. löwenzahn 1562 2 FIDE Master
316. roboton 1561 2 FIDE Master
317. chessplayer22 1556 4 Internat. Master
318. ggassenheimer 1553 3 Talent
319. manderfeld 1552 1 Master Candidate
320. direct2karthi 1552 1 Club Champion
321. st_nikolay 1551 1 Shooting Star
322. peggie_zue 1550 1 Shooting Star
323. derek68 1547 7 Internat. Master
324. varnikavashisht 1546 32 -
325. maxximo 1546 5 Internat. Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
326. tribulete 1546 1 Talent
327. controller76 1541 12 Strong Amateur
328. espiritosanto1981 1536 8 Shooting Star
329. kriis 1535 22 Talent
330. michel1957 1535 3 FIDE Master
331. timbre 1532 4 Shooting Star
332. laveesingh 1529 113 Internat. Master
333. chessfuzzy 1529 25 Master Candidate
334. nickaubrac 1526 6 -
335. quivis 1524 3 Apprentice
336. sayayin83 1520 1 -
337. nelson2021 1519 3 Internat. Master
338. jebul 1519 2 FIDE Master
339. enzo_symbol 1516 1 Master Candidate
340. tomado 1515 1 FIDE Master
341. robert reitmann 1512 1 Internat. Master
342. omi31 1510 6 Tactics Master
343. adp 1510 1 Brilliant Player
344. dixan 1509 1 -
345. ceighti 1506 9 -
346. jon buckley 1493 2 Top Player
347. deeppatzer 1487 1 Top Player
348. shekhar_j 1486 9 FIDE Master
349. raksugt 1485 1 Player
350. leonger 1469 1 Brilliant Player