
Ranking List

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Ranking List of Fighters - Page 8

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
351. spinacino 1582 1 Internat. Master
352. sporty 1911 82 FIDE Master
353. sprithviraj 1605 6 Apprentice
354. srius 1650 25 FIDE Master
355. steinbach 1489 6 Internat. Master
356. strelnikov sergey 1664 4 Club Champion
357. sujith_kj 1733 21 Beginner
358. supastrikas 3400 776 Master Candidate
359. suyashbhirud 1616 2 Internat. Master
360. tartakower777 1653 25 Master Candidate
361. tatamatic 1609 1 Strong Amateur
362. teamb7 1611 11 Internat. Master
363. telegram sam 1562 9 Shooting Star
364. the viper 1764 46 Talent
365. theephigaa 1860 56 Strong Player
366. thephoenixbird 1688 7 Grandmaster
367. thomas bertram 1565 3 FIDE Master
368. thor 1560 1 Player
369. thor_attack 1876 70 Club Champion
370. thoshan 1878 65 World Champion
371. tiavi2 1610 6 Top Player
372. toko 1610 1 Shooting Star
373. tomado 1515 1 FIDE Master
374. tommajcan 1616 2 Internat. Master
375. tonyrossw 1601 34 Strong Amateur
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
376. topmiscia 2356 67 Club Champion
377. trajano212 1720 44 Strong Player
378. trebede 1629 1 Grandmaster
379. trishakan 2600 357 Internat. Master
380. tullymore 1691 16 Internat. Master
381. twoqueens 1685 3 Grandmaster
382. uknighted72 1578 2 Top Player
383. urmas tartes 2045 85 Internat. Master
384. veliger 1682 2 FIDE Master
385. viresh sharnarthi 2472 388 Grandmaster
386. vishnu123 1359 1 Shooting Star
387. vishnuc 1674 3 -
388. viv1512 1603 4 -
389. vladmoro 1813 18 FIDE Master
390. vur279 1695 5 Talent
391. walker27 1340 1 Top Player
392. wavelet0 1780 15 Internat. Master
393. waw 1912 65 FIDE Master
394. wellday 1697 8 Internat. Master
395. werewolf 1630 3 Strong Amateur
396. weyerstrass 1628 4 -
397. whitecr 1576 3 Internat. Master
398. willi43 1644 20 Internat. Master
399. writogyansarkar 1599 1 Player
400. wurzelprumpft 1843 36 Internat. Master