
Ranking List of Runners

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Ranking List of Runners - Page 1

# Name Avg Best Total Country
1. villegas luis 27 37 14
2. david rice 143 233 1163
3. antttonius 35 122 212
4. bender_kath 29 44 41
5. gsquared 13 144 11732
6. kydbebad 29 42 2
7. little-swiss 17 115 865
8. imethma 58 58 1
9. miki84 104 193 71
10. dobrivuk 56 101 100
11. jenna_raine 226 226 1
12. djosla123 26 162 749
13. ruslank 104 201 76
14. cahek83 124 194 63
15. narzes 141 185 19
16. aeroplanino1986 53 142 99
17. purplebutterfly 61 176 48
18. vladmoro 65 144 71
19. teodoramg 32 43 8
20. eveline maria 37 76 59
21. andreea25 17 61 200
22. classy_v 72 97 10
23. mysior 51 101 17
24. winopl 109 200 55
25. avatar_16 213 231 2
# Name Avg Best Total Country
26. junmalaran37 34 74 14
27. songo_george 47 79 5
28. thao luong 78 160 31
29. mcarthur1960 52 72 14
30. defy 67 128 39
31. lingges 41 99 220
32. vur279 37 94 1854
33. agikosprkeq 74 166 168
34. jganaa 70 108 6
35. seoyulh92 204 204 1
36. topmiscia 63 230 1057
37. andrea murero 52 22 47 472
38. attila650 50 50 1
39. herish raouf 61 61 1
40. kian1393 32 32 1
41. adinathshastri 72 100 13
42. diganto banerjee 42 50 14
43. srumanchess 129 232 77
44. saxenaapaar 100 99 166
45. sandeepbehera 49 77 4
46. arthav bansal 37 51 11
47. shreyas pai 74 74 1
48. mohinishnaik 69 69 1
49. bharatwaj sridhar 35 47 4
50. adarshojha 22 22 2