
Ranking List of Runners

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Ranking List of Runners - Page 2

# Name Avg Best Total Country
51. cahek83 100 194 60
52. capuzzi 39 42 4
53. carno 29 28 377
54. chanakasp 133 162 3
55. chelocavech 42 60 103
56. chessart777 300 520 2
57. chesschamp2012 117 184 38
58. chesschump56 52 51 4
59. chessknightsbest 46 47 2
60. chessmania 61 60 255
61. chessnigga011 16 16 1
62. chessplayer235 19 19 1
63. chessstudent99 32 54 2
64. chesstolic 78 78 1
65. chessyriy 21 21 2
66. chingtayone 24 33 5
67. chithambaram 64 64 1
68. chooey1 25 30 18
69. classy_v 72 97 10
70. colossuschess 220 220 1
71. conab1anca 75 120 8
72. connordragon 39 39 1
73. corrado_bernotti 45 68 29
74. coureux 12 59 857
75. crtz 29 30 2
# Name Avg Best Total Country
76. csak1marad6 49 56 4
77. csucsu5 28 78 219
78. cyberfenix 37 117 167
79. damaican124 30 29 136
80. david rice 143 233 1163
81. defy 57 128 37
82. deltao1 51 143 300
83. destroyer57 21 42 1744
84. dgo5505 4 4 1
85. dhruv_sawale 61 73 2
86. diganto banerjee 42 50 14
87. djosla123 29 162 738
88. dmathiou 22 22 1
89. dobrivuk 57 101 90
90. dougias7 40 43 2
91. dragonv2 82 135 30
92. dreamcatcher64 44 43 124
93. drfritz 26 71 338
94. duherme 44 100 131
95. edgewooddefense 39 38 1308
96. egarciachess 72 161 515
97. eisern26 22 28 7
98. eolomea 23 48 18
99. esemoreno13 20 125 3046
100. eugeniorimondi 20 61 611