
Ranking List of Runners

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Ranking List of Runners - Page 4

# Name Avg Best Total Country
151. amritrm97 39 69 14
152. shikkad 68 68 1
153. corrado_bernotti 45 68 29
154. jonjon12 68 68 1
155. bir_tas 41 67 9
156. bipolar 42 67 30
157. leander007 67 67 1
158. holger lodahl 40 66 41
159. varun_raste 66 66 1
160. solidor 65 65 1
161. hombergpatzer 65 65 203
162. nvosloo 18 64 2161
163. chithambaram 64 64 1
164. anton-lp 48 63 9
165. saeed-khodadadi 64 63 248
166. sanidhya_16 46 63 3
167. telegram sam 63 62 9
168. linky73 28 62 177
169. guevarosky 61 61 1
170. andreea25 23 61 181
171. eugeniorimondi 20 61 611
172. chelocavech 42 60 103
173. chessmania 61 60 255
174. ligu321 29 60 58
175. janavasar 48 60 6
# Name Avg Best Total Country
176. bicquet 14 59 533
177. mc1483 46 59 354
178. coureux 12 59 857
179. imethma 58 58 1
180. frankchess22 40 58 15
181. george caldis 58 58 474
182. angel70 41 58 85
183. mogche_2014 58 58 1
184. bartolome 27 57 182
185. arjha 52 57 2
186. powerplay22 35 57 15
187. trh 24 57 96
188. mippi 42 57 2
189. ranitz 37 57 9
190. vishwajith 41 56 354
191. fredi58 21 56 212
192. moghazy24 55 56 2
193. vp giridhar 52 56 2
194. csak1marad6 49 56 4
195. jockel_1a 33 54 132
196. junmalaran37 54 54 1
197. roy_dhrishit 42 54 4
198. chessstudent99 32 54 2
199. asianchess 52 52 1
200. burn2112 37 52 9