
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 13

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
601. xirluxx 2440 3088 Internat. Master
602. krish7209 2440 1871 -
603. sarveshm1 2440 1333 Shooting Star
604. zeber4 2440 547 -
605. chawanyp 2439 3223 FIDE Master
606. tusarjitr 2439 1459 Shooting Star
607. mogens hessellund 2438 65692 Internat. Master
608. schnickschnack 2438 31196 FIDE Master
609. h3rd 2438 291 Amateur
610. thierryh 2437 58258 FIDE Master
611. tmoreno 2437 7710 Internat. Master
612. divamk 2437 5113 Internat. Master
613. taihei 2437 4596 FIDE Master
614. chessadler 2437 935 Shooting Star
615. sigal 2437 644 Amateur
616. chesswithflow 2437 430 Apprentice
617. chesskid1509 2437 214 Beginner
618. jgemba 2436 7151 Internat. Master
619. liviumanolescu 2436 5628 Internat. Master
620. rosaditadelima 2436 2833 FIDE Master
621. abhichess234 2436 1701 Shooting Star
622. centaurib 2436 1529 Shooting Star
623. agrawalbhavya26 2436 659 Talent
624. patrice donnenfeld 2436 384 -
625. satkul 2435 15468 Internat. Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
626. redi1960 2435 9582 Internat. Master
627. oegenix 2435 6195 FIDE Master
628. kebasa 2434 17580 Grandmaster
629. françois-d 2434 4561 FIDE Master
630. mingu 2434 1105 Shooting Star
631. magnuscarlsen525 2434 271 Amateur
632. franzo 2433 37920 Internat. Master
633. shreyangadha 2433 3581 FIDE Master
634. tejas_o07 2433 1032 Shooting Star
635. brilliant playerr 2433 331 -
636. divya bharathi 2432 44610 Internat. Master
637. christian 1960 2432 42326 Internat. Master
638. spinacino 2432 37609 Internat. Master
639. heinfried58 2432 6377 FIDE Master
640. aenefreth 2432 4610 Internat. Master
641. samneet2005 2432 2854 Club Champion
642. texwiller 2431 192167 Internat. Master
643. detay 2431 12677 Internat. Master
644. mamaloni 2431 4656 Internat. Master
645. talmo 2431 2128 Top Player
646. wolfhagen_helmuth 2431 1858 Club Champion
647. henrilab 2431 1790 Shooting Star
648. peppino66 2430 112245 Internat. Master
649. xmb 2430 3223 Internat. Master
650. thjoey 2430 812 Shooting Star