
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 13

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
601. chen_marcus 2760 18007 World Champion
602. chennai chess trainer 2498 834 Shooting Star
603. chenwu 2462 3247 -
604. chess rafale 2113 65 Beginner
605. chess-a-ter 2412 739 Shooting Star
606. chess-master1966 2910 41181 World Champion
607. chess051016 2234 514 Talent
608. chess64 1880 63 Beginner
609. chess_00 1614 14 -
610. chess_challengers# 2268 604 Player
611. chess_g0d 1918 27 Beginner
612. chess_goat 2196 142 Strong Amateur
613. chess_zen 1989 10693 Top Player
614. chessadler 2437 935 Shooting Star
615. chessalex 2225 888 Shooting Star
616. chessbarbarion 2104 5297 Master Candidate
617. chessbase2012 2578 4398 Internat. Master
618. chessbob_spongepants 2207 252 Apprentice
619. chessbplus 2311 9776 Internat. Master
620. chesschamp2012 2323 3687 FIDE Master
621. chesschump56 2476 29321 Internat. Master
622. chessdrummer 2411 5143 Club Champion
623. chessente2 1813 45 Beginner
624. chesser83 2106 574 Talent
625. chessfuzzy 2101 42392 Master Candidate
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
626. chesshenne 1900 254 Apprentice
627. chessisfun2023 2368 341 Amateur
628. chessislife 2369 46286 Internat. Master
629. chessiszen 2121 1971 Club Champion
630. chesskid1509 2437 214 Beginner
631. chessking3006 2106 111 Amateur
632. chessking99 1562 1 -
633. chessknightsbest 2119 113 Amateur
634. chesslearner 2156 9163 Master Candidate
635. chesslearner119 2186 347 Strong Apprentice
636. chessloser63 1704 46 Beginner
637. chesslömpli1849 1976 4682 Beauty Prize
638. chessman_ii 1888 204 Apprentice
639. chessmania 2497 8027 Internat. Master
640. chessmer 1898 665 Player
641. chessminator2703 1909 431 Talent
642. chessnigga011 1848 82 Amateur
643. chessniggas011 1584 4 -
644. chessnutter12 2121 20247 FIDE Master
645. chessobsessed 2224 107 Beginner
646. chesspablo 2280 3640 FIDE Master
647. chesspat67 2281 7049 FIDE Master
648. chessphobia 2354 199 -
649. chesspit 2691 13867 Grandmaster
650. chessplayer2011 2533 1489 Shooting Star