
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 20

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
951. petra56 3257 10720 World Champion
952. victor masjuan 2486 2701 FIDE Master
953. tmoreno 2437 7710 Internat. Master
954. mik26 2325 3065 Master Candidate
955. sitronco 2099 125 Strong Amateur
956. derindarachess 2763 1008 Shooting Star
957. helpmate 2619 12201 Grandmaster
958. harry s canada 2479 21941 Internat. Master
959. kpawn 2441 62075 Internat. Master
960. tatamatic 2311 1705 Shooting Star
961. karastormorchock 2209 55384 FIDE Master
962. keywest2234 2125 894 Shooting Star
963. hmd1254 2116 2429 Club Champion
964. iamdb 1982 38 Beginner
965. derrick kilfoy 1676 22 Beginner
966. stkalchev 2551 1443 Shooting Star
967. hotris 2351 6700 Internat. Master
968. photoeye 1647 10 -
969. luiz_brito 2450 5053 FIDE Master
970. torres61 2400 4725 FIDE Master
971. drfritz 2341 11824 Internat. Master
972. bipolar 2326 1428 Shooting Star
973. pauleira 2260 1712 Shooting Star
974. olyvr 2192 2909 Master Candidate
975. ale3santana03 2116 116 Amateur
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
976. pobreefeiobr 2113 7911 Top Player
977. fabiomo 2104 273 Apprentice
978. krest 2071 9386 Top Player
979. visachess 2046 1125 Shooting Star
980. jeske_br 2032 3462 Top Player
981. lmachado 1953 69 Beginner
982. fabreu53 1931 323 Strong Apprentice
983. ianyoshio 1770 18 -
984. marcos paulo 1621 103 Amateur
985. vinimachado 1616 2 -
986. admir88 2399 498 Amateur
987. medoj 2390 35991 FIDE Master
988. markus 10 2324 5087 FIDE Master
989. luis5736515 2012 155 Strong Amateur
990. david1954 2552 18985 Grandmaster
991. thierryh 2434 58122 FIDE Master
992. willy cuvelier 2358 10521 FIDE Master
993. tartakower777 2312 25065 Master Candidate
994. sdan48 2273 81196 FIDE Master
995. epicure62 2250 2540 Master Candidate
996. skipdever 2202 6852 FIDE Master
997. liongeorges7 2144 201692 FIDE Master
998. morningafter9 2122 557 Talent
999. michel d 2108 66 Beginner
1000. timi33 2158 398 Strong Apprentice