
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 20

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
951. zelenka2 2251 6508 FIDE Master
952. heinfried58 2450 6489 FIDE Master
953. merlin-c 2277 6472 FIDE Master
954. peter pawneater 2342 6464 FIDE Master
955. deeppatzer 2068 6457 Top Player
956. thor2020 2783 6442 Grandmaster
957. zekiyev 2429 6430 FIDE Master
958. wiene 9 2122 6424 Top Player
959. olga 2005 2715 6416 Grandmaster
960. horst pollmann 2302 6405 Master Candidate
961. rkhurana71 2107 6392 Top Player
962. saxenaapaar 2234 6385 FIDE Master
963. milo14 2392 6384 FIDE Master
964. vibhu11 2534 6371 Internat. Master
965. puppydogs 2430 6365 Internat. Master
966. laklom53 2234 6335 Master Candidate
967. ccchris 2035 6317 Top Player
968. mankastein 2162 6304 Top Player
969. paul1222 1980 6273 Top Player
970. gyeghizarian 2302 6263 FIDE Master
971. plamb 2565 6256 Internat. Master
972. basu 2238 6247 FIDE Master
973. aerumnosus 2284 6234 Internat. Master
974. gerrymac 2227 6233 Master Candidate
975. oegenix 2447 6227 FIDE Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
976. kirov18 2327 6209 FIDE Master
977. robwilly 2357 6200 FIDE Master
978. chess2001 2133 6196 Top Player
979. crazypirat 2046 6193 Top Player
980. karasevdv 2123 6187 FIDE Master
981. jens piotraschke 2653 6176 Grandmaster
982. funtik 2499 6145 Internat. Master
983. spacerace1960 2168 6133 Master Candidate
984. c-jimmy 2144 6116 Master Candidate
985. semigm_ 2310 6107 FIDE Master
986. shree keerthi 2381 6096 FIDE Master
987. obervladass 2316 6082 FIDE Master
988. nitch 2419 6064 FIDE Master
989. jtorresv 2260 6056 FIDE Master
990. ivbu6b 2022 6054 Club Champion
991. milton leon 2108 6051 Master Candidate
992. abronsius 3372 6041 World Champion
993. hlchesslary 2314 6040 FIDE Master
994. kerex 2256 6014 FIDE Master
995. bluelion95 2268 6013 FIDE Master
996. swerthen 2237 5980 Master Candidate
997. casparoso 2211 5978 FIDE Master
998. patrickfontana 2202 5972 FIDE Master
999. troppotroppo 2326 5966 Master Candidate
1000. gennardo 2333 5928 FIDE Master