
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 29

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1401. jpe61 2455 3966 Internat. Master
1402. alois1957 2455 8372 FIDE Master
1403. caselli 2454 154905 Internat. Master
1404. mickeymouse1969 2454 3451 Internat. Master
1405. maxbx 2454 6119 Internat. Master
1406. ntroisi 2454 23961 Internat. Master
1407. knutandersen 2453 5491 Internat. Master
1408. hypma 2452 2144 Top Player
1409. gazozchess 2452 4461 Internat. Master
1410. sivamurugan 2452 591 Amateur
1411. gerry0403 2452 509 Beginner
1412. skyerwin 2451 59867 Internat. Master
1413. lokiplok 2451 43254 Internat. Master
1414. shf 2451 48583 Internat. Master
1415. anha 2450 1489 Shooting Star
1416. chosroes 2449 13652 Internat. Master
1417. as-012 2448 6331 FIDE Master
1418. borstelcb 2447 5416 FIDE Master
1419. karel3 2446 774 Shooting Star
1420. brummer 2446 11122 Internat. Master
1421. rosaditadelima 2446 2829 FIDE Master
1422. bhriudsuyash16 2444 266 Amateur
1423. manfred georg 2444 46035 Internat. Master
1424. panausplo 2442 1963 Club Champion
1425. amarbayr 2442 4207 Internat. Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1426. kamal sarkar 2441 3680 Internat. Master
1427. hypérion 2440 4809 FIDE Master
1428. krish7209 2440 1871 -
1429. eule1 2440 32285 Internat. Master
1430. sarveshm1 2440 1333 Shooting Star
1431. uday bawa 2440 5742 Internat. Master
1432. aenefreth 2438 4596 Internat. Master
1433. chessadler 2437 935 Shooting Star
1434. chesswithflow 2437 430 Apprentice
1435. spinacino 2437 37572 Internat. Master
1436. henrilab 2437 1778 Shooting Star
1437. liviumanolescu 2436 5628 Internat. Master
1438. oegenix 2435 6195 FIDE Master
1439. ignjatovic dragan 2435 15085 Internat. Master
1440. klinzi 2435 16823 Internat. Master
1441. prokes 2435 1397 Shooting Star
1442. mingu 2434 1105 Shooting Star
1443. talmo 2434 2120 Top Player
1444. françois-d 2434 4561 FIDE Master
1445. tejas_o07 2433 1032 Shooting Star
1446. gordohunter42 2433 14195 FIDE Master
1447. brilliant playerr 2433 331 -
1448. jputterg 2433 55271 Internat. Master
1449. berseide 2432 62667 Internat. Master
1450. heinfried58 2432 6377 FIDE Master