
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 31

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1501. jackm 2339 11925 FIDE Master
1502. jackou24 2284 504 Talent
1503. jacques b 2090 1454 Shooting Star
1504. jagadale ishwari 2368 1577 Shooting Star
1505. jagaricomind 1891 41 Beginner
1506. jaheus 2217 7742 Master Candidate
1507. jaimewickboss 2264 365 Strong Apprentice
1508. jak49 2174 445 Talent
1509. jakob#marx 2349 526 Beginner
1510. jakobbuzhala 2072 95 Amateur
1511. jakobwagner01 2132 18092 Top Player
1512. jalta 2187 7750 Master Candidate
1513. jambo1860 1893 4005 Beauty Prize
1514. jamm 2341 32584 Internat. Master
1515. jan meyer 2008 60775 Experienced Player
1516. jan neghina 2677 95505 Grandmaster
1517. janavasar 2334 523 Talent
1518. jancic993 2269 7896 FIDE Master
1519. janek109558 1900 111 Amateur
1520. jannemantheman 1644 15 -
1521. janohm 1635 1 -
1522. janrainer 2282 666 Player
1523. janus28 2246 12916 FIDE Master
1524. januszd 1923 57 Beginner
1525. janwetzel 1589 5 -
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1526. japanska_buba 2105 985 Shooting Star
1527. jari aalto 2503 12076 Grandmaster
1528. jarmo palenius 2477 659 Strong Amateur
1529. jathnel 1999 196 Strong Amateur
1530. jathu 2642 2691 FIDE Master
1531. jatome 2366 1867 -
1532. javaking6 1781 18 -
1533. javier anton 2153 89 Amateur
1534. jay212 2028 4541 Top Player
1535. jayant konada 2501 597 Strong Apprentice
1536. jayendra3 2109 1274 Shooting Star
1537. jaysonkn 1597 2 -
1538. jazdec21 2864 6222 World Champion
1539. jazzmonk 1976 1005 Strong Player
1540. jbruer 1652 19 -
1541. jchrisd 2162 14617 FIDE Master
1542. jclaude38 1843 21 Beginner
1543. jduquesn 2274 2739 Master Candidate
1544. jeanlou 2232 1237 Shooting Star
1545. jeanpi 2520 46109 Internat. Master
1546. jebul 2302 213486 FIDE Master
1547. jedanik 1837 60 Beginner
1548. jeetesh7 1993 53 Beginner
1549. jeeteshb82 2163 289 Apprentice
1550. jeffbezos1 1707 5 -