
Ranking List

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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 32

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1551. georg ziniel 2259 18150 Master Candidate
1552. esakki 2259 12154 Top Player
1553. lazoi 2259 10821 FIDE Master
1554. basu 2259 6229 FIDE Master
1555. harshsarvaiya 2258 9909 FIDE Master
1556. karasevdv 2258 6139 FIDE Master
1557. sophrosyne 2258 3068 FIDE Master
1558. dimtal 2258 1698 Shooting Star
1559. kepisi30 2258 1457 Shooting Star
1560. unique_princess 2258 256 Apprentice
1561. rickm 2258 208 Amateur
1562. hans-christian 2257 15539 Master Candidate
1563. imtiazistoonoob 2257 2753 FIDE Master
1564. minipit 2257 2117 Top Player
1565. gpetris 2257 1469 Shooting Star
1566. dozzor 2257 555 Talent
1567. mioo 2256 61296 FIDE Master
1568. patrickhparedes 2256 4107 Master Candidate
1569. antonk 2256 2105 Top Player
1570. kydbebad 2256 551 Talent
1571. richiman 2255 79940 FIDE Master
1572. aeromotor 2255 48050 FIDE Master
1573. werner1952 2255 11865 Master Candidate
1574. tscherepnin 2255 5892 FIDE Master
1575. jmstacticstacto 2255 743 Shooting Star
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1576. nikhil_nevase 2255 320 Strong Apprentice
1577. imethma 2255 120 Amateur
1578. nikcardo 2254 3613 Master Candidate
1579. daueropfer 2254 3274 Master Candidate
1580. pippen33 2254 1284 Shooting Star
1581. trajano212 2254 1164 Shooting Star
1582. albert errazo 2254 843 -
1583. keywiz84 2253 52039 FIDE Master
1584. thos 2253 32520 FIDE Master
1585. ram63k 2253 30150 FIDE Master
1586. aradhyabehani 2253 8771 FIDE Master
1587. angel70 2253 3934 Master Candidate
1588. phargrea 2253 343 Strong Apprentice
1589. ravenbear2718 2253 173 Amateur
1590. tom_mathew 2253 133 Beginner
1591. imzz 2252 17029 Master Candidate
1592. wolfgang vogt 2252 2966 -
1593. danielq1953 2252 1587 Shooting Star
1594. pavel padevet 2252 292 Strong Amateur
1595. trenta tre 2251 48426 FIDE Master
1596. rookiegeek 2251 3878 Talent
1597. m_euwe 2251 3653 Master Candidate
1598. sandeepbehera 2251 2071 Top Player
1599. drderaldmadson 2251 659 Talent
1600. bekiozt 2251 324 Strong Apprentice