
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 33

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1601. joesgarage 2491 498 Beginner
1602. johannes ephraim 1839 14 -
1603. johannra 2372 19170 Internat. Master
1604. john de beau 1915 117 Beginner
1605. john stanton 2421 66673 FIDE Master
1606. john74 1906 27 Beginner
1607. johnalbertsmith 2352 7249 FIDE Master
1608. johnbat_63 2150 9440 Master Candidate
1609. johnborst 2162 468 Talent
1610. johnnylizzle70 2400 12400 FIDE Master
1611. johnstuart 2562 6595 Grandmaster
1612. johnzzballard 2385 31728 FIDE Master
1613. joi1972 2188 507 Talent
1614. jojo61 2310 423 Talent
1615. jomblee 2658 29382 Grandmaster
1616. jon buckley 2189 2122 Top Player
1617. jonathal 2463 109842 Internat. Master
1618. jordi vilardebo 2178 4760 Top Player
1619. jorgeeldestructorpromex 2525 10381 Internat. Master
1620. jorgeperaltuve 2631 13937 Grandmaster
1621. josantos31 2303 16191 FIDE Master
1622. jose maria campabadal 2306 10212 FIDE Master
1623. jose sanchez pino 1688 6 -
1624. jose serrano 2199 1194 Shooting Star
1625. jose54 2319 18807 FIDE Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1626. joseanaeli52 2231 1111 Shooting Star
1627. josele1 2365 4688 Internat. Master
1628. joshtal 2280 1393 Shooting Star
1629. joshuaguo 1954 51 Beginner
1630. josuevp17 2269 462 Talent
1631. jovanovski zoran 2297 578 Talent
1632. jowiwa 2267 11449 Master Candidate
1633. jpablorcl74 1742 10 -
1634. jpe61 2446 3971 Internat. Master
1635. jputterg 2416 55304 Internat. Master
1636. jr-cbberlin 1928 22 Beginner
1637. jreacher 2523 582 Amateur
1638. jsass 2232 1077 Shooting Star
1639. jsicba 2370 294193 Internat. Master
1640. jsteward 2100 152636 Experienced Player
1641. jtf10 2459 8845 Internat. Master
1642. jtw 1927 42 Beginner
1643. juanan1034 1452 153 Strong Amateur
1644. juanarango 2285 533 Talent
1645. juancarloscapanegra 1691 9 -
1646. juanchito75 2219 2537 Master Candidate
1647. juanmarvez 2193 1651 Shooting Star
1648. juanpcb9616 2334 25598 FIDE Master
1649. jucer52 2210 128625 Master Candidate
1650. judac 2261 1268 Shooting Star