
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 39

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1901. leichtfigur 2003 3698 Top Player
1902. lejuan 2308 1189 Shooting Star
1903. lekun17 2404 4373 FIDE Master
1904. lemmy k 2580 34395 Grandmaster
1905. lemppale 2449 17174 Internat. Master
1906. lengsham 2225 153218 FIDE Master
1907. leo 2015 1553 14 -
1908. leo heylen 2195 1205 Shooting Star
1909. leon trotsky 1814 11 -
1910. leon000 2473 45177 Internat. Master
1911. leonger 2105 1382 Talent
1912. leony 2547 699 -
1913. leotsou 2289 27247 Master Candidate
1914. lepa 3343 25047 World Champion
1915. lethallightningwins 2275 3402 FIDE Master
1916. level3looper 2118 13115 Top Player
1917. levelnighn 2268 774 Shooting Star
1918. lfischia 2341 8739 FIDE Master
1919. liamdwnbgm 2198 7172 Master Candidate
1920. libelle 2460 10023 Internat. Master
1921. licvertizand 2405 1268 Shooting Star
1922. lidkafr 2411 333346 Internat. Master
1923. lierol 1675 7 -
1924. lieselotten 1893 3966 Club Champion
1925. lightage 2380 2034 Top Player
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1926. ligu321 1962 1106 Shooting Star
1927. like a moss 1861 45 Beginner
1928. lindner - jöris 2274 127475 FIDE Master
1929. linesofmovement 1537 3 -
1930. lingges 2097 468 Talent
1931. linky73 2273 429 Talent
1932. linus#311 1632 3 -
1933. lion 2487 3164 FIDE Master
1934. lioncub77 2072 13010 Top Player
1935. liongeorges7 2144 201692 FIDE Master
1936. lionking_darsh 2327 360 Strong Amateur
1937. little-swiss 2719 4531 World Champion
1938. littlebird 1651 28 Beginner
1939. littleleigh01 2424 1429 Shooting Star
1940. liviumanolescu 2436 5628 Internat. Master
1941. lleino 2318 863 Shooting Star
1942. lllamlll 2157 118 Amateur
1943. lmachado 1953 69 Beginner
1944. loebecker 1800 37 Beginner
1945. logendra2711 1874 115 Amateur
1946. logesh2006 2510 1078 Shooting Star
1947. logion42 2423 1245 Shooting Star
1948. lois 2060 21976 FIDE Master
1949. lokiplok 2451 43254 Internat. Master
1950. lokke 2267 2237 Top Player