
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 41

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2001. aakarshshreshth 1846 2711 Beauty Prize
2002. knightmusic 1831 2294 Beauty Prize
2003. n1n3t41ls 1944 1685 Tactics Master
2004. drhenninger 1914 2068 Tactics Master
2005. savitha 1904 1534 Tactics Master
2006. viveksatam 1890 1945 Tactics Master
2007. m_peppel 1862 3662 Tactics Master
2008. pivotal 1843 1553 Tactics Master
2009. gwolf 1840 1631 Tactics Master
2010. sougandhi manonmani 1808 5390 Tactics Master
2011. richait1212 1805 4138 Tactics Master
2012. ilcontadino 1791 3902 Tactics Master
2013. helmut distler 1785 5147 Tactics Master
2014. thomas55 1775 3178 Tactics Master
2015. thoklehm 1639 12884 Tactics Master
2016. jesusisking33 1630 1816 Tactics Master
2017. horst buchholz 1975 1418 Attacking Player
2018. marty1 1850 3205 Attacking Player
2019. vinodissimo 1848 3177 Attacking Player
2020. cami_a 1815 1433 Attacking Player
2021. mspencer 1811 1483 Attacking Player
2022. raksha29 1792 1413 Attacking Player
2023. trianii 1790 2824 Attacking Player
2024. zibr 1757 3614 Attacking Player
2025. hariharanej 1697 1847 Attacking Player
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2026. serkancel 1673 10735 Attacking Player
2027. nickkv 1652 1456 Attacking Player
2028. pjcossu 1637 2573 Attacking Player
2029. ferdzratum 2345 3611 Brilliant Player
2030. tipuvs 2006 1308 Brilliant Player
2031. profkornoff 1827 1356 Brilliant Player
2032. spoidy sharma 1786 1375 Brilliant Player
2033. trittmann2 1743 3181 Brilliant Player
2034. xedos1 1708 2060 Brilliant Player
2035. cuonge1665 2046 1272 Club Player
2036. diggerescobar 2014 1292 Club Player
2037. roy1984 1988 1262 Club Player
2038. skegels 1960 1208 Club Player
2039. bcantrell428 1958 1232 Club Player
2040. xfli 1942 1216 Club Player
2041. franz ruderich 1928 1229 Club Player
2042. curbal 1904 1287 Club Player
2043. chrisk1966 1859 1272 Club Player
2044. rohankh1234 1739 1308 Club Player
2045. henrik-f 1616 1312 Club Player
2046. cibs 1586 5710 Club Player
2047. magnuh 2302 1086 Strong Player
2048. xmax 2229 1064 Strong Player
2049. rohit901 2080 1174 Strong Player
2050. trierer jung 2053 1125 Strong Player