
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 49

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2401. oldskull 2503 690 Talent
2402. oldwin 2160 665 Player
2403. olfreddy 2134 1759 Shooting Star
2404. olga 2005 2728 6370 Grandmaster
2405. olito 1795 87 -
2406. oliver 123 2338 7899 FIDE Master
2407. oliver becker 2482 26680 Internat. Master
2408. oliver reeh 2904 314168 World Champion
2409. ollyfresh 2128 1979 Club Champion
2410. olyvr 2192 2909 Master Candidate
2411. omosanni 2406 620 Talent
2412. ondrafranc 1898 26 Beginner
2413. ondy 1860 121 Strong Amateur
2414. opa304 2417 79916 Internat. Master
2415. opaegon 2511 2286 Top Player
2416. oppalokka 1897 40 Beginner
2417. orbanandreas 2393 217 Amateur
2418. orion8 2145 1560 Talent
2419. orlandov 2312 105714 Master Candidate
2420. orso6596 3053 7763 World Champion
2421. oscarpanthee112 2324 593 Talent
2422. osmarko 2331 477 Talent
2423. osrams 2158 254 Apprentice
2424. osvalds 2414 77639 FIDE Master
2425. otmar miggelt 2400 20489 FIDE Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2426. otokar 2081 81 Amateur
2427. ottogt 2341 29310 FIDE Master
2428. ottomansaint 2071 3490 Top Player
2429. oudjat 2475 7461 Internat. Master
2430. oufti 2465 734 Shooting Star
2431. ourba dalui 1926 45 Beginner
2432. overmorrow 1553 1365 Strong Player
2433. oviot 2184 2780 Master Candidate
2434. oyakhilomedavid 2426 4865 Internat. Master
2435. oystev 2365 50735 Internat. Master
2436. ozzz35 1439 268 Apprentice
2437. p46 1903 109 Amateur
2438. pabisz 2097 3522 Top Player
2439. pablo110 1737 9 -
2440. pachamarozzi 1774 56 Beginner
2441. paciere 1636 3 -
2442. pako 2504 7846 Internat. Master
2443. pal1963 2496 492 Beginner
2444. palota77 1881 23 -
2445. panausplo 2442 1963 Club Champion
2446. pankaja07 2320 14718 FIDE Master
2447. panther21 2506 11683 Grandmaster
2448. papa2toes 2013 3072 Club Champion
2449. papapatrick 2112 4594 Top Player
2450. papi1948 1974 2267 Club Champion