
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 49

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2401. thecapturingking 2417 359 Apprentice
2402. yidish 2163 358 Strong Apprentice
2403. kaingang 2129 358 Strong Apprentice
2404. takodongsky 2468 356 Amateur
2405. jwhchess 2288 356 Strong Amateur
2406. eblen faty 1967 355 Strong Apprentice
2407. antonior422 2049 354 Strong Apprentice
2408. anton#tp 2045 352 Strong Apprentice
2409. badboy97 2376 351 Amateur
2410. embodiedknight 2144 349 Strong Apprentice
2411. badbeat 2488 348 -
2412. chesslearner119 2186 347 Strong Apprentice
2413. maxpappis 2320 346 Strong Apprentice
2414. cesardpaz 2396 346 Amateur
2415. tim_s 2024 346 Strong Apprentice
2416. thefrenchmaster 2019 345 Strong Apprentice
2417. merno 2142 344 Strong Apprentice
2418. sdhusky 2314 344 -
2419. tatramka 2402 344 -
2420. dent 1777 343 Strong Apprentice
2421. phargrea 2253 343 Strong Apprentice
2422. cubitus 2229 342 Strong Apprentice
2423. lunaisaqt 2185 342 Strong Apprentice
2424. prashantsingh 2083 341 Strong Apprentice
2425. chessisfun2023 2368 341 Amateur
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2426. xboy1 2123 338 Strong Apprentice
2427. martin_fischer 2234 336 Strong Apprentice
2428. jlbk 2080 336 Strong Apprentice
2429. schachopa2 2178 335 Strong Apprentice
2430. ddaniloo 2298 335 Strong Apprentice
2431. montefio 2106 335 Strong Apprentice
2432. czechman1 2264 334 Apprentice
2433. sarvagyaagarwal 2099 334 Strong Apprentice
2434. dieterb55 2408 333 Amateur
2435. mayagei 1604 333 Strong Apprentice
2436. maitredecole 2094 332 -
2437. savamarc 2516 332 -
2438. thehume 2268 332 Strong Apprentice
2439. lowo 1773 332 Strong Apprentice
2440. brilliant playerr 2433 331 -
2441. schachneu 2169 330 Strong Apprentice
2442. divesh g 2473 330 Beginner
2443. vanessa0611 1998 329 Strong Apprentice
2444. gerapat 2266 328 Strong Apprentice
2445. chesstolic 2393 326 Strong Amateur
2446. ab72 2131 326 Strong Apprentice
2447. caesar65 2221 325 Strong Apprentice
2448. boardom 2329 324 Strong Amateur
2449. rudson 2328 324 Strong Amateur
2450. philian389 2043 324 Strong Apprentice