
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 55

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2701. ranitz 2457 35104 Internat. Master
2702. ranjan giri 1815 49 Beginner
2703. ranjeet28 1866 79 Beginner
2704. rankeiller 2472 260 Amateur
2705. rannvijay 1729 33 Beginner
2706. ras6 2101 28792 Experienced Player
2707. rathinasurya ks 2093 964 Shooting Star
2708. ratingsac 1850 143 Strong Amateur
2709. raton 2429 697 -
2710. ratso 2562 4692 Internat. Master
2711. rattandeep 2038 96 Amateur
2712. raumzeit 2218 4377 Master Candidate
2713. ravenbear2718 2253 173 Amateur
2714. rayspeter 2154 4481 Top Player
2715. rbada1 2802 37636 World Champion
2716. rbt1 2272 823 Shooting Star
2717. rc boy 2264 755 Shooting Star
2718. rc167 2304 167060 FIDE Master
2719. rebik 2272 37713 FIDE Master
2720. rechesqui 2306 812 Shooting Star
2721. redi1960 2435 9582 Internat. Master
2722. regachess064 2055 31988 Experienced Player
2723. regrub 2302 440 -
2724. reinhart andré 2151 31073 Master Candidate
2725. reiselli 2421 5369 Internat. Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2726. reiskorn 1986 380 Strong Apprentice
2727. rekrapretep 1970 235 Apprentice
2728. remcogb 2174 1192 Shooting Star
2729. remondeau 1896 94 Amateur
2730. remote 2165 954 Shooting Star
2731. renate otterbach 2266 4010 Master Candidate
2732. rennerbcba 2533 5196 Internat. Master
2733. reschach 1859 241 Apprentice
2734. retired patzer 1982 19665 Club Champion
2735. retro_chess 1840 375 Strong Apprentice
2736. revaldo 2191 96 Beginner
2737. reverso2539 1820 29 Beginner
2738. reyangelo11 2367 590 Amateur
2739. rgambit1985 1723 9 -
2740. rgiffords 1886 24 Beginner
2741. rhoji 2111 3122 Top Player
2742. rhoudini 1835 22 Beginner
2743. richait1212 1819 4154 Tactics Master
2744. richard zadra 2201 35158 Master Candidate
2745. richiman 2233 80233 FIDE Master
2746. rickcalo 1934 1216 Shooting Star
2747. rickfox 2155 17505 Master Candidate
2748. rickm 2258 208 Amateur
2749. ricoimf 1549 7 -
2750. ricou44 1950 31 -