
Ranking List

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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 56

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2751. reschach 1859 241 Apprentice
2752. retired patzer 1967 19591 Club Champion
2753. retro_chess 1840 375 Strong Apprentice
2754. reverso2539 1820 29 Beginner
2755. reyangelo11 2340 464 Amateur
2756. rgambit1985 1723 9 -
2757. rgiffords 1886 24 Beginner
2758. rhoji 2111 3122 Top Player
2759. rhoudini 1835 22 Beginner
2760. richait1212 1805 4136 Tactics Master
2761. richard zadra 2201 35158 Master Candidate
2762. richiman 2210 79735 FIDE Master
2763. rickfox 2155 17505 Master Candidate
2764. rickm 2193 148 Amateur
2765. ricou44 1950 31 -
2766. riederwalder 2395 35193 Internat. Master
2767. right_mood2 1868 19 -
2768. rigoletto444 2200 2142 Top Player
2769. rishaan2612 2147 90 Amateur
2770. rishi#27 2195 1475 Shooting Star
2771. rishi_vijayan 2303 439 Talent
2772. rishivijayan 1973 37 Beginner
2773. ritter uwe 2418 214225 Grandmaster
2774. riv25 2298 269 Amateur
2775. rivar13 1949 270 Apprentice
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2776. rivuza 1745 9 -
2777. rizos18 1887 1012 Strong Player
2778. rjmeyer 2226 17907 FIDE Master
2779. rjn 2521 4449 Internat. Master
2780. rjrcsc 2203 27052 FIDE Master
2781. rk3 2173 793 Shooting Star
2782. rkhurana71 2128 6379 Top Player
2783. rlippert 2363 2191 Top Player
2784. rmc0306 2110 129 Strong Amateur
2785. rmo 1750 18 -
2786. road to gm 1721 19 -
2787. rob-mulder 2023 590 -
2788. robby007 2376 131214 Internat. Master
2789. robenders 2543 1443 Shooting Star
2790. robert ledermann 2189 6481 Top Player
2791. robert reitmann 2369 98038 Internat. Master
2792. robertocavalieri 2136 2796 Master Candidate
2793. robertosr7 1693 8 -
2794. robmoc 1987 63 Beginner
2795. robot2017 2178 714 Shooting Star
2796. roboton 2187 44179 FIDE Master
2797. rocco_gentiluomo 2277 879 Shooting Star
2798. roceno 2169 11635 Master Candidate
2799. rocinante17 2050 240 Apprentice
2800. rodgerl 1840 19 -