
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 57

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2801. gamaneuver22 1974 52 Beginner
2802. claudioferroni 1973 107 Amateur
2803. jerba10 1973 85 Amateur
2804. ledsrule 1973 48 Beginner
2805. rishivijayan 1973 37 Beginner
2806. daahir221 1972 136 Beginner
2807. hdb_schach 1971 1806 Beauty Prize
2808. dougias7 1970 241 Apprentice
2809. rekrapretep 1970 235 Apprentice
2810. don profondo 1970 75 Beginner
2811. apglyn 1969 2287 Club Champion
2812. niederk 1969 854 Promising Player
2813. betobh 1969 96 Amateur
2814. hegifo 1968 60 Beginner
2815. enter game 1967 3375 Top Player
2816. sifudoio 1967 1945 -
2817. wit_pl85 1967 1672 Beauty Prize
2818. rookflow 1967 575 Talent
2819. aehecatlm 1967 526 Talent
2820. hh777v1 1967 405 Talent
2821. eblen faty 1967 355 Strong Apprentice
2822. scol 1967 215 Apprentice
2823. boby mooser 1967 177 Strong Amateur
2824. nairoski 1967 88 Amateur
2825. mateimat22 1966 114 Amateur
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2826. adabaccio 1966 32 Beginner
2827. paulvben1508 1965 180 Strong Amateur
2828. knight1200 1964 21605 Experienced Player
2829. iiietype 1964 3299 Beauty Prize
2830. harshann2000 1964 75 Beginner
2831. joenilcri 1964 23 Beginner
2832. vlad97 1963 69 Beginner
2833. halovo 1963 44 Beginner
2834. pit1221 1962 3919 Club Champion
2835. ligu321 1962 1106 Shooting Star
2836. knackfoot 1962 127 Strong Amateur
2837. geezerborg 1961 92563 Experienced Player
2838. lonerwolf008 1961 243 Apprentice
2839. andy1 1961 174 Strong Amateur
2840. hei-68 1961 155 Strong Amateur
2841. njno 1961 43 Beginner
2842. fanzi 1961 42 Beginner
2843. skegels 1960 1208 Club Player
2844. anarkyst 1959 4878 Club Champion
2845. avarigala 1959 1116 Strong Player
2846. harut1414 1959 38 Beginner
2847. bhirud-suyash 1959 37 Beginner
2848. bissig82 1958 15756 Master Candidate
2849. hcsalced 1958 14722 FIDE Master
2850. bcantrell428 1958 1232 Club Player