
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 58

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2851. chessman43 1882 143 Beginner
2852. gerd niemann 1882 11549 Club Champion
2853. iiietype 1882 3494 Beauty Prize
2854. zainmohamedfarouck 1881 49 Beginner
2855. trnikola 1881 27 Beginner
2856. alamcet 1881 43 Beginner
2857. yusof 1877 31 Beginner
2858. manish kachhia 1877 110 Amateur
2859. karlos5164 1877 249 Apprentice
2860. lastmove 1876 21 Beginner
2861. chessn12 1876 45 Beginner
2862. klaus van riesen 1873 21 Beginner
2863. rmaghera 1872 49 Beginner
2864. jesusisking33 1870 1910 Tactics Master
2865. spicca99 1870 95 -
2866. tim_veenstra2001 1869 311 Strong Apprentice
2867. hannes11223344 1869 2872 Club Champion
2868. alwinbborn 1869 99 Amateur
2869. chrisjdc0957 1868 2963 Beauty Prize
2870. weinloewe 1868 98 Amateur
2871. anlashock 1868 18 -
2872. darshanbhanderi 1866 1611 Tactics Master
2873. richie77 1866 24 Beginner
2874. savitha 1864 1620 Tactics Master
2875. alexpu2012 1864 2245 Top Player
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2876. kleemy 1863 87 Amateur
2877. tnk1 1862 29 Beginner
2878. qwertzz 1862 16 -
2879. database 1861 556 Talent
2880. hankh61 1859 31 -
2881. tgilley808 1859 60 Beginner
2882. boopathiraja sl 1858 19 -
2883. thelastjudgment78 1858 163 Strong Amateur
2884. marcosoli 1857 1831 Beauty Prize
2885. pol31415 1856 40 Beginner
2886. sakthi murugan 1856 43 Beginner
2887. benny88 1856 66 Beginner
2888. jacob schilt 1855 18 -
2889. blunder master 836 1855 37 Beginner
2890. suprananas 1855 508 Talent
2891. sprithviraj 1854 249 Apprentice
2892. dard 1854 30 Beginner
2893. luvsharma07 1852 33 Beginner
2894. organicchemist 1851 14 -
2895. mdl111 1851 25 Beginner
2896. hein5591 1851 169 Strong Amateur
2897. aakarshsheth007 1849 30 Beginner
2898. joeshreds1989 1846 607 Player
2899. fnulbert 1845 626 Player
2900. mighty1727 1845 56 Beginner