
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 7

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
301. divya bharathi 2515 44171 Internat. Master
302. burkart 2515 5693 Internat. Master
303. schach_cb_2018 2514 8922 Internat. Master
304. bharathan devarajan 2513 7840 Internat. Master
305. mrudenko 2513 4709 Internat. Master
306. roltons 2513 9402 Internat. Master
307. wurzelprumpft 2511 3383 Internat. Master
308. nelson2021 2510 5070 Internat. Master
309. george caldis 2509 21072 Internat. Master
310. cuspi 2507 76420 Internat. Master
311. evaner 2507 3302 Internat. Master
312. nehat a3 2507 64751 Internat. Master
313. satkul 2506 15428 Internat. Master
314. mauro marey 2505 7307 Internat. Master
315. tebob 2505 8963 Internat. Master
316. kant20 2505 3335 Internat. Master
317. thronitz 2504 9312 Internat. Master
318. mthonig 2504 15266 Internat. Master
319. manni be 2504 15969 Internat. Master
320. pviolini 2504 5632 Internat. Master
321. fatiga 2504 35685 Internat. Master
322. pako 2504 7846 Internat. Master
323. pgylanik 2502 3369 Internat. Master
324. custom 2501 21996 Internat. Master
325. glorfindel 2501 20080 Internat. Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
326. lordjordi 2501 13911 Internat. Master
327. syma 2501 38734 Internat. Master
328. nemesi65 2500 13233 Internat. Master
329. himani05 2497 3832 Internat. Master
330. forelechka 2496 4778 Internat. Master
331. raghavanv1 2493 32158 Internat. Master
332. somaclava 2493 54407 Internat. Master
333. chessrenaiss 2492 3368 Internat. Master
334. renzogm 2492 9243 Internat. Master
335. eugeniorimondi 2491 14732 Internat. Master
336. hemmati-gorjee 2491 47087 Internat. Master
337. danny031020 2491 7779 Internat. Master
338. cquark 2491 6746 Internat. Master
339. duherme 2490 4528 Internat. Master
340. kcrao84 2489 8804 Internat. Master
341. maxiator 2489 52547 Internat. Master
342. anonymous2024 2488 11639 Internat. Master
343. chessmania 2487 8015 Internat. Master
344. scostin81 2487 6086 Internat. Master
345. semyorka 2486 5731 Internat. Master
346. leibtt 2484 10591 Internat. Master
347. maxximo 2483 3347 Internat. Master
348. argonaute2 2482 61857 Internat. Master
349. masterod 2482 135454 Internat. Master
350. kjell arne brekk 2482 25865 Internat. Master