
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 61

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
3001. pratyakshd201331 1958 803 Promising Player
3002. avarigala 1958 1121 Strong Player
3003. eloxadrez64 1958 27 Beginner
3004. yijua 1956 45 Beginner
3005. fitozg 1956 72 Beginner
3006. abhi_kash01 1956 144 Strong Amateur
3007. sjvchess 1955 109 Amateur
3008. joshuaguo 1954 51 Beginner
3009. unicornjelly 1954 1917 Club Champion
3010. sarbartho 1954 54 Beginner
3011. sasa tomic 1954 38 Beginner
3012. miralem 1953 76 Beginner
3013. rookflow 1953 596 Talent
3014. sr1_chessbase 1952 287 Apprentice
3015. catgamer333 1950 44 Beginner
3016. udoschiller 1950 69 Beginner
3017. superpiep 1950 4566 Club Champion
3018. ricou44 1950 31 -
3019. kevingeomat 1950 34 Beginner
3020. bernd schiefer 1950 5565 Beauty Prize
3021. rivar13 1949 270 Apprentice
3022. dingopuzo 1948 3540 Top Player
3023. stomi 1948 30 Beginner
3024. database 1948 376 Strong Apprentice
3025. hellion 1947 42855 Experienced Player
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
3026. kafkasan 1947 56 Beginner
3027. peter bereolos 1946 53 Beginner
3028. legend_23 1945 54 Beginner
3029. yeison machado 1944 28 Beginner
3030. philturp 1944 232 -
3031. jasc01 1943 404 Talent
3032. lasker1868 1942 189 Strong Amateur
3033. bicio62 1940 34090 Experienced Player
3034. randeepnath 1940 51 Beginner
3035. raaghav29 1939 96 Amateur
3036. zeoglitcher 1939 2753 Club Champion
3037. thortyk 1937 89 Amateur
3038. saijn18 1936 989 Promising Player
3039. uleb53 1936 868 Promising Player
3040. daksh b 1935 15074 Club Champion
3041. derfuchs66 1935 58 Beginner
3042. drhenninger 1935 2106 Tactics Master
3043. roman de 1934 75 Beginner
3044. amritrm97 1934 4897 Club Champion
3045. ralcford 1934 66 Beginner
3046. ssquarechess 1933 35 Beginner
3047. anarkyst777 1933 467 Talent
3048. pichuu 1933 51 Beginner
3049. burkhard schellschmidt 1931 996 Promising Player
3050. celestinv0212_-# 1931 47 Beginner