
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 67

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
3301. tigranx17 2095 72 Beginner
3302. till riedl 2384 1428 Shooting Star
3303. tim_s 2024 346 Strong Apprentice
3304. timbre 2083 1651 Shooting Star
3305. timi33 2158 398 Strong Apprentice
3306. timur zismann 2165 666 Player
3307. tinnierfool08 1741 8 -
3308. tipet 2588 11957 Grandmaster
3309. tipuvs 2006 1308 Brilliant Player
3310. tiraspol831 2515 9159 Internat. Master
3311. tirth 1750 69 Beginner
3312. tiszteletbeli 2145 10946 Master Candidate
3313. titas21264625 1852 27 Beginner
3314. titojosito 2187 15003 Internat. Master
3315. tjshiv 1677 6 -
3316. tkoghd 2299 1334 Shooting Star
3317. tmoreno 2437 7710 Internat. Master
3318. toblo 2209 521 Talent
3319. todor26 2170 390 Strong Apprentice
3320. tohuuquan 1790 10 -
3321. tollja 2298 22012 FIDE Master
3322. tolstoi 2460 482622 Grandmaster
3323. tom4chess 1874 86 Amateur
3324. tom9910 1697 146 Strong Amateur
3325. tom_mathew 2253 133 Beginner
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
3326. tomado 2355 19476 FIDE Master
3327. tomanekrafael 2156 124 Strong Amateur
3328. tomconqueror 2347 1932 Club Champion
3329. tomi2017 1863 5188 Club Champion
3330. tomlauri 1601 1566 Promising Player
3331. tondasek 2641 37891 Grandmaster
3332. tondásek 2629 6876 Internat. Master
3333. toni rocosa 2590 7778 Internat. Master
3334. tonyw 2349 1778 Shooting Star
3335. toonday8 1914 521 Talent
3336. topmiscia 2400 1866 Club Champion
3337. torgul 2057 61820 Experienced Player
3338. torre-repetomx 1981 51 Beginner
3339. torres61 2400 4725 FIDE Master
3340. torsten fischer 2627 5670 Grandmaster
3341. tosmerit 2326 9179 Internat. Master
3342. toujoursanouk 2177 849 Shooting Star
3343. tpalmie 2318 55758 FIDE Master
3344. tpdchapman 2807 19040 World Champion
3345. trainingserver 1780 932 -
3346. trajano212 2254 1164 Shooting Star
3347. tramp64 2174 306 Strong Apprentice
3348. trankim1510 2008 1333 Shooting Star
3349. trebede 2578 3122 Grandmaster
3350. trefila 1923 471 -