
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 8

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
351. temerloh 2435 8883 FIDE Master
352. super_nezh 2405 9819 FIDE Master
353. hanscastorp1954 2403 4097 FIDE Master
354. pierrot13 2364 29518 Internat. Master
355. kara64f 2330 293 Strong Amateur
356. xc38 2322 9125 FIDE Master
357. patrickfontana 2280 5879 FIDE Master
358. delvaux 2275 3701 Master Candidate
359. merlin3569 2241 810 Shooting Star
360. zelazny 2220 1436 Shooting Star
361. phaim2 2188 546 Talent
362. bicquet 2174 11536 Top Player
363. dieter_fr78 2170 1339 Shooting Star
364. jchrisd 2162 14617 FIDE Master
365. cyberfenix 2136 104 Amateur
366. fsev 2121 262 Apprentice
367. steph77 2093 96 Amateur
368. adileyeschess 2081 138 Strong Amateur
369. zombizou 2079 1365 Shooting Star
370. lioncub77 2072 13010 Top Player
371. f61 2071 60 Beginner
372. donzac 2009 183 Strong Amateur
373. el paquete 1999 3459 Club Champion
374. chess_zen 1989 10693 Top Player
375. kendo2d 1989 56 Beginner
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
376. laurentrochet 1913 97 Amateur
377. jenya 1837 14 -
378. richait1212 1805 4138 Tactics Master
379. olito 1795 87 -
380. lourson23 1775 23 Beginner
381. babito59830 1756 21 Beginner
382. patricee4 1690 8 -
383. obilleri 1547 2 -
384. melmo 2628 3983 Grandmaster
385. rubinstein7 2451 115154 Internat. Master
386. christian 1960 2432 42326 Internat. Master
387. elofant 2421 2467 Top Player
388. robert reitmann 2412 98232 Internat. Master
389. barke 2404 96893 FIDE Master
390. gunterw 2358 91293 Internat. Master
391. netknight 2314 7231 FIDE Master
392. lokke 2267 2237 Top Player
393. tigerjo 2222 1424 Shooting Star
394. richard zadra 2201 35158 Master Candidate
395. didihamson 2195 7791 Master Candidate
396. marwim 2170 7358 Master Candidate
397. schlechtercarl 2144 1485 Shooting Star
398. lammer michael 2121 27437 Master Candidate
399. reiskorn 1986 380 Strong Apprentice
400. hinti95 1986 2243 Club Champion