
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 71

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
3501. siluur1 1670 787 Player
3502. kkk3 1670 4 -
3503. gerald lobley 1669 5 -
3504. ivanhotatko 1669 4 -
3505. edgewooddefense 1669 6 -
3506. tatyanovsky 1669 16 -
3507. samanta sudipta 1669 5 -
3508. zenchess888 1669 4 -
3509. oceanchesskid 1668 4 -
3510. monquappo 1668 229 Apprentice
3511. ara_piraca 1666 20 Beginner
3512. szymlsu 1666 8 -
3513. geronimo234 1666 5 -
3514. rookieexpert 1665 5 -
3515. userwhoami 1665 5 -
3516. sca2024 1664 15 -
3517. easywin2012 1663 10 -
3518. sankarp1532 1662 5 -
3519. pratik_choudhari 1662 27 Beginner
3520. pratik_samantaray 1662 8 -
3521. slechtelooper 1661 6 -
3522. dj2025 1660 6 -
3523. mani124 1660 98 Amateur
3524. pavolsiman 1660 4 -
3525. techkoala 1660 2 -
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
3526. chibo7 1657 4 -
3527. yussufboy101 1656 5 -
3528. schaakelaar 1656 2 -
3529. atharv22 1655 12 -
3530. batusay7 1654 4 -
3531. mohammad1383 1654 5 -
3532. parenek 1653 61 -
3533. schmibi 1653 5 -
3534. guaidot 1653 3 -
3535. nickkv 1652 1456 Attacking Player
3536. schnack 1652 5 -
3537. jbruer 1652 19 -
3538. a-leazn 1651 3 -
3539. littlebird 1651 28 Beginner
3540. dinuorlandolucian 1650 5 -
3541. rohannarula100 1650 4 -
3542. nlttnltt 1650 63 -
3543. gege0909 1648 3 -
3544. gentleman1109 1648 7 -
3545. shaloo 1647 187 Strong Amateur
3546. ranjan giri 1647 7 -
3547. twn2463 1646 13 -
3548. aashi vinod 1645 34 Beginner
3549. blade0123 1645 2 -
3550. xaviera 1645 2 -