
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 72

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
3551. jannemantheman 1644 15 -
3552. mithrildash 1642 54 Beginner
3553. supkum67 1641 197 Strong Amateur
3554. ellebee 1640 190 Strong Amateur
3555. tanmay0830 1639 21 Beginner
3556. thoklehm 1639 12884 Tactics Master
3557. masataka_luft 1638 4 -
3558. madmaxi 1637 4 -
3559. srihitha_p64 1637 2 -
3560. bodeaux 1637 1 -
3561. pjcossu 1637 2573 Attacking Player
3562. ruth zimmermann 1636 425 Talent
3563. gikami 1636 14 -
3564. nanning 1635 4 -
3565. sam36 1635 3 -
3566. janohm 1635 1 -
3567. lungjin 1634 16 -
3568. anurag_paul_bcw 1634 2 -
3569. francisfu13 1634 2 -
3570. linus#311 1632 3 -
3571. yakytroglou 1632 1 -
3572. manuito 1631 1 -
3573. nugget69843 1630 5 -
3574. williamst 1630 4 -
3575. jesusisking33 1630 1816 Tactics Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
3576. stubenflieger 1629 50 Beginner
3577. sherlock394 1627 12 -
3578. zardan76 1626 193 Strong Amateur
3579. jenswf 1626 191 Strong Amateur
3580. chess_00 1626 14 -
3581. zhangcemla 1625 2 -
3582. soy_7 1622 4 -
3583. cathare28 1622 31 Beginner
3584. romansharp 1620 4 -
3585. chaimah 1619 10 -
3586. bebertmuzo 1616 4 -
3587. dragonkinsage 1614 6 -
3588. bluesky1 1613 1 -
3589. flacocreek 1611 1 -
3590. fantong 1611 2 -
3591. lyhamns 1611 33 Beginner
3592. darsh 122013 1610 98 Amateur
3593. shubh44am 1610 5 -
3594. nesianuso 1609 1 -
3595. dontbullyme 1608 2 -
3596. txemapd 1607 9 -
3597. trwaters 1607 2 -
3598. kölschejung 1607 2 -
3599. fnsmoke 1606 6 -
3600. harri123 1606 28 Beginner