
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 9

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
401. gunterw 2390 91568 Internat. Master
402. netknight 2319 7245 FIDE Master
403. lokke 2267 2237 Top Player
404. tigerjo 2222 1424 Shooting Star
405. richard zadra 2201 35158 Master Candidate
406. didihamson 2195 7791 Master Candidate
407. marwim 2170 7358 Master Candidate
408. schlechtercarl 2144 1485 Shooting Star
409. lammer michael 2121 27437 Master Candidate
410. hinti95 1986 2243 Club Champion
411. reiskorn 1986 380 Strong Apprentice
412. winnie99 1772 53 Beginner
413. zibr 1757 3614 Attacking Player
414. little-swiss 2719 4531 World Champion
415. chesswizard 2714 14130 World Champion
416. popeye 2703 20128 Grandmaster
417. zesi 2495 10623 FIDE Master
418. popeye305 2483 471 Amateur
419. bebbi 2418 37696 FIDE Master
420. heiri de letscht 2369 11544 FIDE Master
421. axel lentz 2293 4009 FIDE Master
422. orebrook 2222 2172 Top Player
423. jf-chouaf 2220 238 Apprentice
424. gismo006 2205 11799 FIDE Master
425. the swiss knight 2154 43218 Master Candidate
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
426. a_l_zug 2149 180 Strong Amateur
427. peterblumer 2112 4022 Top Player
428. cafedefrance1 1836 3591 Club Champion
429. zuccone 2603 5298 Grandmaster
430. nicodemo 2601 44545 Grandmaster
431. kevin52 2577 3998 Internat. Master
432. gelgamesh14 2563 11457 Grandmaster
433. prof73 2514 99514 Grandmaster
434. massimob80 2511 2843 FIDE Master
435. pviolini 2504 5632 Internat. Master
436. zickzack57 2487 40664 Internat. Master
437. pbotti 2479 18483 Internat. Master
438. texwiller 2431 192167 Internat. Master
439. peppino66 2430 112245 Internat. Master
440. veliger 2419 6921 FIDE Master
441. aristarchus 2416 27821 Internat. Master
442. topmiscia 2400 1866 Club Champion
443. attila650 2393 492 Amateur
444. fralaz 2384 255 -
445. andrea murero 52 2353 6900 FIDE Master
446. andream67 2351 12280 FIDE Master
447. nepomuk56 2329 4146 FIDE Master
448. mc1483 2314 17677 FIDE Master
449. mmott01 2284 691 Player
450. massimiliano_bellardini 2277 22957 FIDE Master