
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 9

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
401. bizmat4 2586 2837 FIDE Master
402. blackavenger 2159 23749 Club Champion
403. blackgammon 2485 3028 Internat. Master
404. blacklikemyheart 1591 5 -
405. blacky208 2240 3475 Master Candidate
406. blair54 2929 1179 Amateur
407. blankas 1612 3 -
408. blauer reiter 2522 103087 Grandmaster
409. bleifuss 2154 573 Talent
410. blindfuxxx 2153 126 Strong Amateur
411. bloke3 2237 2728 Master Candidate
412. blu pawikan 1581 7 -
413. bluelion 2193 28896 FIDE Master
414. bluelion95 2268 6013 FIDE Master
415. bluenose 2169 177 Strong Amateur
416. bluesoniq 2030 2528 Club Champion
417. bluleydeljhonnywualker 2435 14183 Internat. Master
418. blumenstiel 2955 3668 World Champion
419. blunder master 836 1855 37 Beginner
420. blunder_master_ 2117 1483 Shooting Star
421. bmatt 1810 757 Player
422. bmbm23 2266 363 Strong Amateur
423. boardmember 2265 27806 FIDE Master
424. bobaka 2243 473 Talent
425. bobblomquist 2139 7315 Top Player
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
426. bobby-aure 1737 23 Beginner
427. bobby62 1740 22460 Experienced Player
428. bobbyg37 1829 87 Amateur
429. bobc 2188 7250 FIDE Master
430. boddah14 1783 65 Beginner
431. bohenriksen 2551 19923 Grandmaster
432. boiler874 2161 18121 Master Candidate
433. bolan 2334 37243 FIDE Master
434. bolllothar 2253 2133 Top Player
435. bolomike 2198 105 Amateur
436. bonbon183 2085 125 Strong Amateur
437. bonetti 2122 8643 Master Candidate
438. boopathiraja sl 1858 19 -
439. boos manfred 2264 11289 Master Candidate
440. borke39 2030 7677 Top Player
441. borstelcb 2417 5472 FIDE Master
442. bosley 1901 402 Talent
443. bostizar 2256 8307 Master Candidate
444. botvinnikrook 1888 19 -
445. boulanger 2078 946 Shooting Star
446. bourbaki chess 2630 70634 Grandmaster
447. bournac 2753 33682 Grandmaster
448. boutet 1812 39 Beginner
449. bozkaya1971 2808 1460 Shooting Star
450. brad huhn 2479 5546 Internat. Master