
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 10

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
451. mahmoudtriki-0463 2474 41040 Internat. Master
452. ignjatovic dragan 2474 15482 Internat. Master
453. thronitz 2474 10946 Internat. Master
454. bigman 2474 5577 Internat. Master
455. parazauroloff 2474 794 Shooting Star
456. arrollado 2474 630 -
457. divesh g 2474 332 Beginner
458. tolstoi 2473 483473 Grandmaster
459. rohrspatz 2473 22556 Internat. Master
460. libelle 2473 10059 Internat. Master
461. alejo-08 2473 817 Shooting Star
462. bbrunobr 2472 84435 Internat. Master
463. reiselli 2472 5429 Internat. Master
464. gucky2 2472 3005 Internat. Master
465. gerry0403 2472 569 Beginner
466. detay 2471 12790 Internat. Master
467. bridger 2471 4448 Internat. Master
468. abhichess234 2471 1764 Shooting Star
469. larciano 2470 20172 Grandmaster
470. pater-noster 2470 2117 Top Player
471. creative genius 2470 385 -
472. kebasa 2469 18319 Grandmaster
473. melik 2469 901 -
474. pbotti 2468 18533 Internat. Master
475. elonull 2468 5184 Internat. Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
476. aenefreth 2467 4839 Internat. Master
477. janneman 2466 33327 Internat. Master
478. peternsw 2466 10099 Internat. Master
479. seven_of_nine 2466 244 Beginner
480. chessfoxxy 2465 12575 Internat. Master
481. vieito 2465 11098 Internat. Master
482. gokulg2011 2465 232 Beginner
483. wolf321 2464 22800 Grandmaster
484. whenidrank 2464 11083 Internat. Master
485. jemails 2463 665 Amateur
486. fasthand 2462 3050 Internat. Master
487. robert reitmann 2461 99484 Internat. Master
488. sango 2461 4396 FIDE Master
489. gobi krishnan 2461 3974 Internat. Master
490. duvvurioct65 2461 3743 Internat. Master
491. zurich101 2461 2109 Top Player
492. oufti 2461 734 Shooting Star
493. divya bharathi 2460 44804 Internat. Master
494. robert krasiewicz 2460 767 Shooting Star
495. bernhard_xx 2459 97828 Internat. Master
496. berseide 2459 63410 Internat. Master
497. ziggy sig 2459 34514 Internat. Master
498. eugeniorimondi 2459 14966 Internat. Master
499. zacgm 2459 359 Amateur
500. suyashbhirud 2458 5837 Internat. Master