
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 10

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
451. bluesky1 1613 1 -
452. bluesoniq 2065 2489 Club Champion
453. bluestrikers 2330 378 Strong Amateur
454. bluleydeljhonnywualker 2400 14080 Internat. Master
455. blumenstiel 2945 3634 World Champion
456. blunder_master_ 2132 1476 Shooting Star
457. blunderking1 1696 10 -
458. boardmember 2238 27690 FIDE Master
459. boardom 2329 324 Strong Amateur
460. bobblomquist 2075 7139 Top Player
461. bobby62 1901 22146 Experienced Player
462. bobbyutrecht 2114 61 Beginner
463. bobc 2201 7216 FIDE Master
464. bobdarock 1900 55 Beginner
465. boby mooser 1966 182 Strong Amateur
466. boddah14 1748 40 Beginner
467. bodeaux 1637 1 -
468. bogomudd 2556 3994 Internat. Master
469. bohenriksen 2527 19111 Grandmaster
470. bohus 2519 1712 Shooting Star
471. boiler874 2201 18035 Master Candidate
472. boki2 1694 6 -
473. bolan 2281 36795 FIDE Master
474. bolem10 1496 2 -
475. bolllothar 2186 2030 Top Player
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
476. bolomike 2092 71 Beginner
477. borissidorenko7 2541 2438 Top Player
478. borke39 2086 7522 Top Player
479. borstelcb 2447 5416 FIDE Master
480. bosley 1907 401 Talent
481. bostizar 2241 8290 Master Candidate
482. bourbaki chess 2690 70058 Grandmaster
483. bournac 2733 33598 Grandmaster
484. brad huhn 2452 5363 Internat. Master
485. breadandbutter 2158 171 Strong Amateur
486. breitenmoser 2202 29441 Master Candidate
487. breizhman 2169 13370 Master Candidate
488. bridger 2465 4422 Internat. Master
489. brilliant playerr 2433 331 -
490. brinckmann 2562 5163 Internat. Master
491. brn2165 1899 66 Beginner
492. bronislav25 2402 980 -
493. bruce09 2429 476 Strong Apprentice
494. brummer 2446 11122 Internat. Master
495. bruno2009 2159 77 Beginner
496. brunopiller 2067 504 Talent
497. btez62 2129 16555 Top Player
498. btr_90 1584 2 -
499. btw1194 2280 19244 Master Candidate
500. bubbaflash 2080 176 Strong Amateur