
Ranking List of Runners

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Ranking List of Runners - Page 2

# Name Avg Best Total Country
51. kmorozov 104 192 26
52. kittumehta 103 183 14
53. dylgwtw 100 160 3
54. bourbaki chess 100 167 684
55. t_o_r 99 178 10
56. prometheusmetis 99 160 4
57. deepsheep 99 99 1
58. mostafabouhia04 98 161 57
59. paul-otto 98 158 575
60. kcrao84 95 116 32
61. egarciachess 93 161 442
62. milignus 90 221 129
63. chezzplaya77 89 89 1
64. dragonly12 88 143 4
65. couttet 86 145 1135
66. hoffi2 85 85 1
67. towerofbooks 84 135 23
68. femila jayakumar 84 138 20
69. diros 81 125 39
70. chessminator3000 80 110 42
71. muhammadihsan14 79 79 1
72. enkynakamura 79 79 1
73. andromeda2012 78 78 1
74. chessindia55 78 122 11
75. wil28 76 81 2
# Name Avg Best Total Country
76. tylerdow 76 89 52
77. enisss 75 75 1
78. captain_7112 75 110 8
79. antttonius 74 110 58
80. borisll 74 74 1
81. gobi krishnan 73 118 31
82. chesslearner119 73 98 27
83. niniko 73 123 7
84. turbo_j 72 152 21
85. themahdi 72 104 19
86. albert silver 71 172 157
87. prasannawes 71 71 1
88. himani05 70 108 5
89. jordanminev 70 106 2
90. sai tanishka t 69 109 8
91. vikki2011 69 160 424
92. inezi 69 107 72
93. surendiraa 68 220 268
94. shubhamniraj 68 68 1
95. aradhyabehani 67 104 48
96. mcraia 67 67 1
97. muskycat 66 102 37
98. sidhurajesh 66 197 283
99. kingsindian 66 66 907
100. idemaks 65 104 1027