
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 1

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
1. kermeterkombi 3748 44949 World Champion
2. isele2 3655 46572 World Champion
3. frunobulax 3439 11479 World Champion
4. ciaoberti 3381 4376 World Champion
5. silent move 3371 4853 World Champion
6. abronsius 3368 5981 World Champion
7. zoncolan 3366 17648 World Champion
8. mortirolo 3366 14421 World Champion
9. meister moritz 3366 13061 World Champion
10. nextpositionbug 3366 7594 World Champion
11. lepa 3348 24817 World Champion
12. petra56 3254 10398 World Champion
13. yingchess 3231 10983 World Champion
14. woy 3169 120677 World Champion
15. federico leitner 3165 19282 World Champion
16. stramporter 3095 1171 Amateur
17. orso6596 3053 7763 World Champion
18. buchgeister 3020 17001 World Champion
19. milan s gowda 3001 16737 World Champion
20. david rice 2981 28543 World Champion
21. blumenstiel 2963 3598 World Champion
22. chess-master1966 2928 41102 World Champion
23. wbahner 2918 23020 World Champion
24. danzoler 2900 8269 World Champion
25. srumanchess 2892 3775 World Champion
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
26. sathvik_adga11 2890 34570 World Champion
27. cripep 2882 8955 World Champion
28. seegej 2876 18391 World Champion
29. gospersgrüner 2874 1004 Shooting Star
30. oliver reeh 2861 312316 World Champion
31. sathvik_adiga11 2861 198641 World Champion
32. landsteiner 2852 417388 World Champion
33. karends 2851 7603 World Champion
34. horst1941 2841 16108 World Champion
35. nosystem 2841 5075 World Champion
36. rbada1 2837 36974 World Champion
37. iris lepa 2831 750 Shooting Star
38. chesszero 2820 3593 Grandmaster
39. jazdec21 2818 5884 World Champion
40. nvclassic 2811 14485 Grandmaster
41. schimmbo 2811 2113 Top Player
42. edinfo 2810 3335 Grandmaster
43. michiel pos 2802 4579 Grandmaster
44. bozkaya1971 2797 1436 Shooting Star
45. tpdchapman 2794 19030 World Champion
46. barka 2791 21413 World Champion
47. chen_marcus 2779 17889 World Champion
48. olchar11 2772 2090 Top Player
49. bedoya68 2772 1802 Club Champion
50. hunter l drago 2772 1476 Shooting Star