
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 71

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
3501. spoonybog 1609 1 -
3502. caperpolosat 1555 1 -
3503. abraar007 1636 1 -
3504. gdefense2015 1607 1 -
3505. muhammed faisal 1633 1 -
3506. jaxx-3737 1590 1 -
3507. pankaj085 1525 1 -
3508. z88420z 1581 1 -
3509. avinash masaram 1561 1 -
3510. sasaspurijus 1593 1 -
3511. rigoletto444 1591 1 -
3512. jjr1940 1580 1 -
3513. b4o0 1568 1 -
3514. carlosant 2528 0 World Champion
3515. hemant 1864 0 Master Candidate