
Ranking List

"I have sometimes found a combination intuitively by simply feeling that it must be there."   Mikhail Tal
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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 46

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2251. tjebbe bekema 2157 455 Talent
2252. saurabhvij 2273 452 Talent
2253. jarmo palenius 2373 448 Strong Amateur
2254. nileshparakh 1959 447 Talent
2255. roberto_flores 2296 445 Strong Apprentice
2256. tomevensen 1884 445 -
2257. anshjulkachess 2129 443 Talent
2258. laskerlu 2164 443 Talent
2259. mr_keanu 2370 443 Strong Amateur
2260. flordepato 2475 441 -
2261. kansti 2048 439 Talent
2262. kipen svyatoslav 2484 437 Strong Amateur
2263. eldod 2302 436 Talent
2264. lethallightningwins 2260 436 Talent
2265. juan_jeswin_jiyon 2346 436 Strong Amateur
2266. sprite_524 2373 435 Strong Apprentice
2267. mariorom 1916 435 Talent
2268. aadwik08 1956 435 -
2269. karlheinz 2348 434 Amateur
2270. jaheus 2241 433 Talent
2271. jordanminev 2473 431 Beginner
2272. himaanshuuyadav 1957 430 Talent
2273. c sassi 2181 427 Talent
2274. chesschecker 2152 426 Talent
2275. el10067 2302 425 Talent
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
2276. valerianp 2021 424 Talent
2277. mderisio 1980 424 Talent
2278. elozwerg 1924 423 -
2279. steve owen 2262 423 Talent
2280. mrocha06 2361 421 -
2281. ferhatcalisir 2314 421 -
2282. gmexperto 2456 420 Apprentice
2283. monokuma369 2050 418 Talent
2284. mivsek 2046 418 Talent
2285. haenelfr 1901 417 Talent
2286. osmantumen 1985 417 Talent
2287. alexandrklimchik 2506 417 Beginner
2288. chess051016 2076 416 Talent
2289. houlfol 2169 414 Talent
2290. warston 2201 414 Talent
2291. evgeny 2401 413 Amateur
2292. astromarco_hst 2379 412 Strong Amateur
2293. hero51 2101 411 Talent
2294. vin64 2203 410 Talent
2295. pircpirc 2265 409 Talent
2296. hghsh 2263 408 Talent
2297. ian onchangwa 2280 408 Talent
2298. kefka 2240 406 Talent
2299. treenut 2342 406 Amateur
2300. borzonbor 2353 404 Strong Apprentice