
Ranking List

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Ranking List of Thinkers - Page 8

# Name Elo Total Country Rank
351. eule1 2436 27070 Internat. Master
352. ukaihideaki 2435 10864 Internat. Master
353. frank63 2435 87835 Internat. Master
354. kevin87 2434 3508 Internat. Master
355. isind 2434 48608 Internat. Master
356. siegbert 2434 6199 Internat. Master
357. karlimann 2433 34541 Internat. Master
358. nehat blama 2433 3280 Internat. Master
359. nimzo01 2432 8589 Internat. Master
360. michelw 2432 155742 Internat. Master
361. oudjat 2432 7028 Internat. Master
362. ralph schürer 2432 68091 Internat. Master
363. eljasolasr 2431 16819 Internat. Master
364. kpawn 2431 51965 Internat. Master
365. hpaul 2431 12419 Internat. Master
366. manfred georg 2431 40893 Internat. Master
367. max praetorius 2431 40596 Internat. Master
368. fredricthegreat 2429 21079 Internat. Master
369. aristarchus 2428 27057 Internat. Master
370. tucson 2428 26034 Internat. Master
371. sagar k 2428 4673 Internat. Master
372. divya bharathi 2428 33930 Internat. Master
373. teddymp 2427 8793 Internat. Master
374. mentos2 2426 24961 Internat. Master
375. ranitz 2426 32017 Internat. Master
# Name Elo Total Country Rank
376. lovec 2426 107449 Internat. Master
377. lemppale 2424 16711 Internat. Master
378. shf 2422 46399 Internat. Master
379. rubinstein7 2421 102457 Internat. Master
380. whitecr 2421 27238 Internat. Master
381. soheilkhafan 2420 6594 Internat. Master
382. bujari123456 2420 11911 Internat. Master
383. harry s canada 2419 12852 Internat. Master
384. zbigniew2000 2419 7058 Internat. Master
385. chessplayer22 2419 15790 Internat. Master
386. tanatloc 2419 12025 Internat. Master
387. bbrunobr 2418 74834 Internat. Master
388. oliver becker 2417 23410 Internat. Master
389. christian 1960 2416 39414 Internat. Master
390. accabee 2416 6678 Internat. Master
391. luigi745 2415 4337 Internat. Master
392. arikb 2415 196089 Internat. Master
393. krasnici hasan 2413 31017 Internat. Master
394. munkxxx 2412 7541 Internat. Master
395. willi43 2411 70276 Internat. Master
396. raghavanv1 2411 30314 Internat. Master
397. chessplayer9 2410 14057 Internat. Master
398. agikosprkeq 2409 26607 Internat. Master
399. david2503 2408 10692 Internat. Master
400. rsy23012678 2407 8443 Internat. Master